Merit Badges

Frequently Asked Questions about Merit Badges

What is a merit badge? A merit badge is an achievement that you earn when you complete the requirements made by the BSA on a specific subject.

How many merit badges are offered? Here is the list of Merit Badges that the BSA offers. There are currently more than 130.

What does a counselor do and how do I find one? Merit badge counselors are adult volunteers that help the scouts complete the requirement and upon satisfactory completion, sign off those requirements.

I've heard my friends talking about "partials," what are those? A partial is when you only finish some of the requirements for a Merit Badge and therefore only get some of the requirements signed off.

What is a blue card? A blue card is a method the BSA uses to keep track of the requirements you complete for merit badges. You need to ask the Scoutmaster for a blue card after choosing a counselor and having them agree to mentor you for their merit badge.

What is a merit badge pamphlet/book? A merit badge book is something written by the BSA to assist with the learning of the requirements for different merit badges. It has the requirements listed in it so you can be prepared for the counselor if they ask you about the requirements.

How do you get a merit badge pamphlet? You need to either ask the troop librarian to borrow the book, or go to a scout store and buy the book.

What is a merit badge worksheet? A merit badge worksheet is something that the BSA makes for scouts to complete merit badges more easily. They have the requirements listed, along with a section below to fill out so that scouts have an easier time and the merit badge counselors have an easier time checking if the scouts know the material. Here is a list of all of the worksheets the BSA has.

What are the steps to get a merit badge? 

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