Troop Forms and joining

Boy Scouting is for boys under 18 years old who --

We meet weekly on Tuesdays at Chadbourne Elementary School. Chadbourne is located at 801 Plymouth Avenue, Fremont. During the school year, our Troop meets in Chadbourne's Multi-Purpose Room from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. During the summer, we meet from 7:00pm-8:30pm outside of the multi-purpose room at the lunch tables.

If you are interested in Troop 125 or Scouting in general, we invite you to attend our weekly meeting.  Please come watch the meeting, let your son participate, and get a good feel about the Troop.  You may speak to a uniformed leader in the meantime to know the Troop better from a parent's perspective.  If your son would like to join the Troop, please talk to Our Committee Chair to know more about online registration.  


Please refer to the Costs section under Parents/Money Matters

How is Boy Scouts different from Cub Scouts?

Troop 125 is a Scout run troop. What that means is that, as adult leaders for the troop, we provide a safe and fun environment where our boys can grow in Scouting while developing their own unique gifts. They do this during their weekly meetings, on weekend campouts or hikes, at summer camp, or through one of the many service projects they are devoting time to. If you attend enough meetings what you will see is most of the adult leadership assuming a support role in many of the things our boys do. We encourage and promote them in their efforts to advance through the ranks of Scouting (at their own pace) while acquiring merit badges and other titles of ability (Totin' Chip, Firem'n Chit, etc). We have a great adult staff with active Assistant Scout Masters to support the Scout Master and many other parents involved with Committee responsibilities but we are always looking for more parents to be actively involved by driving scouts to campouts or to store troop equipment at their houses.

Boy Scouts also do much more high adventure activities. Such as mile long swims, mile long runs and then swimming 50 yards, and just swimming 50 yards, all before breakfast at summer camp. As well as 10 & 20 mile long hikes, spending the night outside under the stars without a sleeping bag, and pretending that someone is lost in the forest and having to go find them, then getting lost yourselves, all for different merit badges.

Remember that Boy Scouts is not only a much larger time commitment for your boys, but a larger commitment for the parents as well.

More information

For more information on some of our sample activities and the organization of the troop, please visit the About Us page or contact the recruiting coordinator.  The contact information is available on the Contacts page.